Sunday, November 2, 2008

Website Updated!

I must be getting better, as my productivity has just increased. This morning I got some grading done and revamped my teaching website. I had a lot of help from fonrus, one of my students. Fonrus has good taste in HTML and design, so things I do usually look a lot better with the fonrus touch--like they're actually from this millenium, not 1996.

I think what really helped me get going this morning was that one of my AP Java students shared the source code for a basic cryptography application he has created. You can see the application here, which is pretty nice. Nothing makes a teacher prouder than to see his students making contributions to the world of programming. Now hopefully other students will view the code and maybe get ideas for their own Java GUI applications--or ways to improve the code as it is. The code used is very basic cryptography, but last year another student wrote a nifty RSA encryption approach in Python that could easily be used with this application. At any rate, I now have more material for discussion during our next AP Computer Science class. :-)

One of the things I did this morning when working on my website was to install Zen Photo for managing my digital photos online. Zen Photo is a nice and streamlined open source application that will allow me and my students to easily share our digital creations. You can go straight to my gallery here.

Thanks to all the kind emails, messages and cards that people have given me the last week. You've helped me recover and I'll be back in the classroom in a day or two--I'm almost ready.


Anonymous said...

Your a machine Gunth!!! Hey dude even though I don't understand much of the Java and computer Saavy things you write about in most of your blogs LOL...I still really enjoy them. There turing into quite an interesting storyline.From school problems to personal surguires. I can't believe how motivated you are to reach out and teach your students. Teachers like that are very few and far in between. Wish I would have had a few. Maybe I wouldn't be 27 trying to get a college degree. LOL...but anyway as Bill Cosby puts it A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. Keep up the good work RICHSKYLINE!!!


Unknown said...

Heck, I took a decade to get a bachelor's degree!

Anonymous said...

Hey are u back in school yet? Were waiting for an update....


Unknown said...

I am back at school! I'm just too busy dealing with the piles of paperwork from having a sub for 6 days straight.... :-(